Creating immersive accessible events

We are an Extended Reality (AR+VR) solutions provider offering services to various industries
Person looking at a tablet
Person looking at a tablet
Media Under Dystopia 3.0 Event Image.
Person in front of a computer
Person in front of a computer
Person in front of a computer

30+Immersive spaces ready for use

VIRTUAL & Hybrid Events

Let's create together the present and future of hybrid and virtual events

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Our packages

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Event configuration


Avatar fee

1 Day, 1 Space, up to 40 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 80 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 160 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 320 attendees
Each additional space
Each additional day
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Event configuration


Avatar fee

1 Day, 1 Space, up to 40 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 80 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 160 attendees
1 Day, 1 Space, up to 320 attendees
Each additional space
Each additional day
Dedicated support
Adjusted event user fee cost
Flat hourly development rate for custom requests
Book a Call

Basic and advanced MaaS setup with dedicated support. Contact us to arrange your plan